
In the initial stage of negotiations of business cases, EGAP offers for the below products the possibility of "pre-scoring", where an accelerated preliminary analysis is carried out based on the provided data, and a non-binding statement on the maximum insured value and indicative rating on the entity are provided. This statement is only non-binding preliminary information and it is confidential.


B, C (export supplier credit insurance against the risk of non-payment)

V (insurance of manufacturer risk)

In these cases we will proceed individually; please contact us to agree further steps.


Ing. Jiří Šrámek, Deputy Director of Acquisition and Suppliers Credit Insurance Department
+420 222 842 353



Bf, Cf (export supplier credit insurance against the risk of non-payment)

The bank sends a request containing at least the basic parameters of the business case and at the same time submits the borrower's financial statements for the last 3 years.


Ing. Jiří Šrámek, Deputy Director of Acquisition and Suppliers Credit Insurance Department
+420 222 842 353



D (export buyer credit insurance against the risk of non-payment)

E (insurance of confirmed L/C)

The bank sends an inquiry containing at least the basic parameters of the business case and at the same time submits the borrower's financial statements for the last 3 years, for product D the bank or exporter completes a preliminary application for insurance.


Ing. Štěpán Kolanda, Deputy Director of Export Credit and Investment Insurance Department
+420 222 842 321



I, If (investment insurance)

Z (guarantee insurance)

The bank sends an inquiry containing at least the basic parameters of the business case and at the same time submits the investor's financial statements for the last 3 years; for the If product, the bank or the exporter fills in a preliminary application for insurance.


Ing. Michal Pravda, Deputy Director of Export Credit and Investment Insurance Department
+420 222 842 348



F (credit insurance for pre-export financing and increasing international competitiveness)

The bank sends a request containing at least the basic parameters of the business case and at the same time submits the investor's financial statements for the last 3 years.

Please submit the following basic attachments required for the processing of the application to the request for prescoring in the case of product F insurance of credit for increasing international competitiveness:

  • The borrower's audited financial statements for the last 3 completed financial years, including the notes to the financial statements and the auditor's report (if the entity is subject to audit), the annual report may also be attached
  • The most recent available financial results of the business at your disposal
  • The exact amount of the loan to be covered by the insurance cover, including accessories (if also required to be insured)
  • An approximate projection of the ability of the loan to export-oriented enterprises to support the growth of their international competitiveness (e.g. by demonstrating what percentage of the production financed by the loan is destined for export) and an indication of the portfolio of export products/customers
  • Information on the total duration of the loan, including the drawdown period and repayment method
  • The latest available analysis by the bank on the borrower, which will provide at least a basic calculation of the repayment capacity of the entity

In the case of an operating loan, please also provide an analysis of working capital development over the life of the loan. In the case of an investment loan, please provide a basic calculation of the return on investment.


Ing. Michal Pravda, Deputy Director of Export Credit and Investment Insurance Department
+420 222 842 348