International sanctions regimes

In its activities, EGAP is obliged to comply with the rules binding on the Czech Republic in the area of international sanctions as provided for by Act No. 69/2006 Coll., in the area of domestic sanctions as provided for by Act No. 1/2023 Coll., as well as the Czech Republic's obligations arising from international agreements and membership in international organisations.


International sanctions are applied where:

  1. stipulated by a decision of the Security Council of the United Nations,
  2. it follows from common positions, joint actions or stipulated by other measures based on the provisions of the Treaty on European Union regarding common foreign and security policy, or
  3. it results from directly applicable European Union (formerly European Communities) legislation and from a decision taken in accordance with European Union rules, or
  4. from a decision of the Government placing it on the National Sanctions List.

International sanctions apply in particular to territories, entities, goods and areas.

The Financial Analytical Office (FAO) is responsible for national coordination of the implementation of international sanctions in the Czech Republic and for granting exemptions.

The basic framework for the application of international sanctions in EGAP's activities is the information provided on the FAO website.


Basic overview of sanctions regimes

  • International sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations
    A database of international sanctions of the Security Council of the United Nations is available on its website – UN Security Council Sanctions Committees
  • International sanctions of the European Union
    International sanctions resulting from the Czech Republic's membership in the European Union are listed in the EU's database of sanctions at website
  • World Bank control regime and its database
    The World Bank has a database of problematic entities from its point of view. This database is available on the website of the World Bank in a listing of ineligible banks and natural persons
  • Sanctions applied by the USA and their database
    Monitoring of entities in the OFAC database and application of sanctions imposed on them is not legally binding on the members of the European Union but they are taken into account in the context of Sanctions regimes, in particular International sanctions of the EU. Sanctions applied by the USA are listed in the OFAC database (Specially Designated Nationals List (SDN)) at website
  • National sanctions of the Czech Republic
    National sanctions are applied if the entity concerned has been registered on National Sanctions List maintained by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic on its website.