Insurance of export credit risks cannot be provided to investments during the negotiation of which bribery and indirect bribery occurred in relation to officials or foreign public officials within the meaning of sections 332 to 334 of the Criminal Code.
To this end, I declare that in the preparation of the investment and negotiation of the conditions of the investment:
(the "Company"), any person acting on its behalf or representing it and acting for the benefit of the Company, any person controlled by or controlling the Company had not committed a crime of bribery and indirect bribery,
persons acting on behalf of the Company or representing it and acting for the benefit of the Company, including any person controlled by or controlling the Company were not accused of bribery or indirect bribery and have not been convicted for such an offence in the recent five years, and
our Company, persons acting on behalf of the Company or representing it and acting for the benefit of the Company, including any person controlled by or controlling the Company, are not listed in a publicly accessible list of bribing persons maintained by the World Bank Group1 .
I acknowledge that Exportní garanční a pojišťovací společnost a.s. (Export Guarantee and Insurance Corporation) ("insurer") has the right to verify the truthfulness of the above statement and I undertake to provide all information and materials requested by the insurer to this end.
Within the meaning of art. XVI of the General Insurance Terms and Conditions "If", the insurer has the right to apply sanctions towards the company if it is proved that the company's conduct constituted an offence under the provisions in section 332 to 334 of the Criminal Code.
1 the group of 5 institutions (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the International Development Association, the International Finance Corporation, the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency, the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes) based in Washington, USA.