Instructions for the calculation of value percentage of goods and services of Czech origin in the total export value and other information related to insurance of export credit risks in relation to the above value percentage
1 A legal entity based or a natural person residing in the Czech Republic or a foreign company in accordance with Act No. 58/1995 Coll., on Insurance and Financing of Exports with State Support and on Supplement to Act No. 166/1993 Coll., on the Supreme Audit Office, as amended.
2 The export value percentage is calculated in accordance with the annex to the declaration. Instructions for the calculation of value percentage of goods and services of Czech origin on the total export value and other information related to insurance of export credit risks in relation to the above value percentage.
3 Price agreed in the Export Contract as stipulated in Act No. 58/1995 Coll., on Insurance and Financing of Exports with State Support and on Supplement to Act No. 166/1993 Coll., on the Supreme Audit Office, as amended.
4 Price agreed in the production contract for export.
5 foreign company is a legal entity based abroad, controlled by a legal entity based in the Czech Republic, which controls the Foreign Company through a direct or indirect share of more than 50 % in its registered capital or controls the absolute majority of rights of vote associated with share in the registered capital of the Foreign Company or is entitled to appoint the majority of board members, members of supervisory board or other similar top authority of the company.